Special Author visit and Book Signing!

Special Author visit and Book Signing!


Lucky us! Author Marion DONON will visit our LPJ Sonoma campus THIS Friday October 17 and offer an exclusive reading and book signing of her latest story - Le Colibri! Ms DONON will read the book, lead us in a fun interactive activity, and sign a copy for each student. Marion will also provide an audio version that come with the book, so you can explore the book at home with your child even if French is not your first language!

I have already pre-ordered a book for each Sonoma student, so please follow the link to pay for the book and for this special experience. If you are not able, please email Ambi directly so that we can provide a book scholarship for our child! Merci!

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“Aujourd’hui, Petit James s’ennuie. Et s’il allait découvrir la nature ?

Saura-t-il observer, comme sa maman, le colibri butinant les fleurs et toutes les merveilles que le jardin semble jalousement lui cacher ? Car il ne suffit pas d’ouvrir les yeux pour savoir VOIR…

Un magnifique album pour apprendre aux enfants à être attentif, à observer et contempler afin de se laisser émerveiller par le monde qui les entoure.”