Enjoying the outdoors at Le Petit Jardin in San Anselmo.
Small group work in the Colombes Class.
Our French program starts the minute your child arrives and is greeted with “Bonjour! Comment vas-tu?” Whether you already know the French language or not you are welcome to enter and ‘soak up’ experiences just as the children do on a daily basis! Immersion is about developing the understanding of a language by being attentive to environmental signs such as visual cues, facial expressions, sounds, sights, and smells. This is how we all learn our first languages, and through this approach, students of ALL AGES can learn the French language and culture.
At Le Petit Jardin we offer early childhood experiences, activities and learning opportunities that are delivered in the French language and are designed to develop the whole child. We will encourage and nurture the loving ideals of family, friendship, community, sharing, and politeness. Our thoughtful curriculum offers opportunities for learning early math concepts, science, social studies, physical education, and fine arts while immersed in the French language. While these areas of focus may seem ‘academic’ for a young child, LPJ strives for all age-appropriate learning to take place within a rich environment created for and around the concept of PLAY!